Float dips

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2nd Battle at FW3 12nov 08

DATE/TIME: 12 Nov 08
POND/SEA: FW3 CnR pond
RODS: 1 Exori Carbon 5 ft
No.Fishes: 6? cannot remember busy fighting.
Link : Here

I didnt had a good time yesterday at FW3, all small fish and went home half way passing the ticket to finn, later he and his friend keep hitting the big ones!! Not very satify on hearing those, I called finn at 7.45 am in the morning to dig him back to the battlefield .......

Not much big fishies in the first hr....... further more, someone landed a mekong on the opposit, but very soon finn started hitting on a some bigger ones, after that, the biggies keep coming in. The second big one was an approx 10kg seabass, I strike it when there is a hard vibration, something enormous shoot out of the water once.... OMG Super big Seabass, srtike again making sure of a "hook on" Shoot out of the water once more...... my small reel and 10lb fire line keep going "zz.zzzzzz.zzzzz" and my itchy finger pressed on the reel and "piak" bye bye.... I swear to land this bugger next time.....

Mekong opposit..... good fighting by the blue shirt guy, his also using light tackle setup...

Small fishie....

3kg Small Pink Fishie....

1kg small fishie.....

Cant weight this but aprox. 3kg......

Finn fought this Red Tail Catfish and passed me half way... about 4kg. Nice fight.

Multiply format

YouTube format (same video)

No one dared to land my catfish to weight it... Maybe 2-3kg

7kg SeaBass..... Nice fight, went under planks, assistance hand to use a broom to push the line out.

Small RTC approx 2-3kg.

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